

Imagine for a moment that the world you live in is just one of thousands upon thousands of others, each with it's own set of creatures living their own lives unaware of a growing malice.

One man here in our world has discovered these alternate planes of existence and has been exploiting the creatures living there as entertainment for the general population.

He began by filming the activities of these otherworldly beings and then claiming the films as his own work, but now he has gotten greedy and has taken some beings directly out of their own worlds to do combat for his -- and our -- viewing pleasure.

Now these innocent beings must race against each other for their very lives in a winner-take-all SCI-FI-SHOWDOWN!

Sci-Fi Showdown Screenshot 1 Sci-Fi Showdown Screenshot 2
Sci-Fi Showdown Screenshot 3 Sci-Fi Showdown Screenshot 4

Download the Windows version of the game [70 MB]

This game was developed from scratch in less than three months by a small team for a Games Programming course at the University of Calgary. Check out their Computer Science Department for info in the courses if you're curious.

The full source code is included in the download. Feel free to use it as you see fit.

Recommended system specs are 700+ MHz CPU, GeForce2 or newer video card with 32MB, 256 MB system RAM. It will probably still work on lesser systems, but it hasn't been that widely tested. It also requires DirectX 8.0 or newer runtimes.

Ben Chanwwwemail
Darryl Gateswwwemail
Richard Hausauerwwwemail
Heugh Hovewwwemail
Anson Poonwwwemail

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